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We’ve all been exposed to sparring sessions that push you both mentally and physically; progressing further than you ever realised you could go. There are times when you think you’ve given everything you got, only to find a new level and continue moving forward.
However, if we’re being honest, how many of us would admit to playing tactically or - dare we say it - ‘safe’ during sparring? Sitting in side control to catch your breath instead of progressing to mount; abandoning the choke to maintain position, even though you know you could have got the tap had you been happy to exert yourself further. This is a mentality that 3x World Nogi Champion Josh Hinger suggests we must abandon in the academy and reserve for the competition mats.
Hinger recently posted on Instagram:
“Sometimes you are trying to finish a submission and feel like you don’t quite have it. You think about how much energy you are willing to spend on chasing this potential submission. If you hold too long, you will smoke your muscles, run the gas tank dry, lose the sub, and then get slaughtered for the remainder of the round. However, you might finish them, and win. So what do you do? In competition, you should make a rational judgment call. But in training, definitely always empty the gas tank. Go all in. Blow out your grips, burn your lungs to a crisp, smoke your legs until they scream in agony. Because every time you empty your gas tank, it gets a little bit larger. Every time you run yourself into the ground, your body becomes more efficient. Every time you approach your perceived limit, your actual limit moves farther away. Every time you leave your comfort zone, you have a better understanding of your capabilities. As Goggins would say, get after it.”
Try and take Hinger’s training mentality into your sessions this coming week and see the differences it brings to both your mental and physical game. OSS!
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