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Alain Pozo vs Micah Atkinson – Alain Pozo wins via heel hook

Pozzo dominates early, almost reaching Micah’s back after stuffing a takedown. The Carlson Gracie representative eventually earns the submission via heel hook.

Vinicius de Castro vs Greg Creel – Fight to a draw

Creel pulls guard early and secures his grips, at the same time Vinicius’ base looks very solid. Eventually Creel inverts, starts to attack with a toe hold and ends up in 50/50 guard. Despite a number of toe hold attempts from Creel, the match ends in a draw.

Jeff Lawson vs Keith Mckenzie – Keith Mckenzie wins via RNC

Both athletes come flying out the blocks, exchanging sweeps and guard passes. After a frantic period of back-and-forth action, Lawson comes close with a leg lock attack, before McKenzie manages to transition to the back and secure a RNC with just one second left on the clock!

Adam Adshead vs Phis Harris – Fight to a draw

As per the previous match, both athletes start at a frantic pace, with Harris coming close to securing an early heel hook. Adshead displays great composure to escape a number of submission attempts before mounting his own attack. Multiple leg lock exchanges and scrambles later, the match ends in a draw.

Travis Newaza vs Ben Dyson – Ben Dyson wins via kimura

Travis Newaza is all over Dyson early in the match, attempting multiple jump-in heel hooks and coming agonisingly close with a very tight leg lock. However, the local boy, Dyson, refuses to quit – even after smashing his head on the advertising hoarding. Coming into the final section of the match, and having weathered the initial storm, Dyson sinks in a solid kimura from north-south to pick up the victory.


Joao Miyao vs Yuhinori Sasa – Fight to a draw

Both athletes pull guard and start a slow-paced feeling out process for the first few minutes. After a few minutes of inactivity, Joao opts to take the bull by the horns, comes to the top and ends up passing his opponent’s guard on multiple occasions. Miyao comes close to finishing with a choke from the back, the match ultimately ends in a draw.

Geo Martinez vs Luiz Tosta – Fight to a draw

Geo pulls guard early and is extremely active working from his back. Though he struggled to mount any solid attacks, Tosta managed to defend very well and stays out of any real danger.

Darragh O Conaill vs Jon Satava – Fight to a draw

O Conaill pulls guard early, but Satava showcases immense passing pressure to reach side control. However, the Irishman remains calm under extreme pressure and continuously recovers his guard – a true show of heart and determination. A late leg lock attack from Darragh is not enough to pick up a victory.

Gezary Matuda vs Laurence Foullat – Fight to a draw

Matuda spends the majority of the match applying pressure to Foullat’s guard, but never maintains a solid enough position to secure a submission. Fight ends in a draw.

Bruno Frazatto vs Gianni Grippo –  Fight to a draw

This was one of the most technical and closely contested matches of the night. Frazatto came close with an early guard pass attempt, which seemed to kick start Gianni into his game. The fight ended in a draw after plenty of technical guard work and a close berimbolo attempt from Grippo.

Augusto Mendes vs Eddie Cummings –  Fight to a draw

This ADCC rematch saw Cummings stick to his tried and tested game plan – leg locks! The Renzo Gracie student was relentless with his attacks, offering Mendes no opportunity to mount his own attacks. A couple of close guard passes was all Mendes was muster before the match ended in a draw.

Jake Shields vs AJ Agazarm – Fight to a draw

This match was INSANE. Tempers flared as both athletes took to the mat, and the referee was forced to warn them on numerous occasions due to over aggressive head slaps and what looked like eye gouging. Shields managed to reach a number of dominant positions and looked to have come close with a guillotine and armlock before the match ended in a draw. Both fighters had to restrained at the final buzzer.

Garry Tonon vs Rousimar Palhares – Fight to a draw

Though the match ended in a draw, this was just about as breathtaking encounter as you could have hoped for. Both fighters attacked with leg locks early on, before Tonon caught some serious hang time thanks to Palhares’ wrestling power. However, Tonon kept at it and even ended up on his opponent’s back – a truly outstanding performance.

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April 02, 2016 — Jiu Jitsu Style