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Picture: Luciana Marcos

Nicky Ryan, the younger brother of EBI standout Gordon Ryan, will compete in his first major super fight on October 8th at the Canadian Kumite.

Though this will be Nicky’s first notable super fight, he gained traction in the jiu jitsu media last year, having submitted a number of adults (via heel hook) in the absolute division of the Kumite Classic BJJ and Grappling Tournament. Training alongside his brother, Gordon, and the rest of the “Danaher Death Squad” in New York, Nicky is considered to be one of the hottest prospects within the jiu jitsu community.

Nicky will be competing against Danny An Khoi Vu of Montreal BJJ Revolution Team.

For information on the Canadian Kumite and how you can watch live visit subseriespro.cleeng.com

Issue 33 with Marcus 'Buchecha' Almeida is available now! Subscribe HERE.


August 24, 2016 — Jiu Jitsu Style