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We caught up with Kywan Gracie Behring ahead of his Toukon Challenge Superfight against Sebastian Brosche.

You’re fighting Sebastian Brosche at the first Toukon Challenge, so are you excited to be involved?

I think it’s going to be a great event, and I am happy to be involved with a submission only tournament. Even though this is a new event in the UK, the format is popular around the world, so I think Toukon will be a great tournament for the future too.

You’ve been away from the competition mats for a little while due to injury, so are you looking forward to being back in action?

Yeah, I was injured for a while and in fact I competed a lot even when I was injured. I feel now I am fully recovered and in great condition. I’ve been training hard and I look forward to putting what I’ve learned with Roger (Gracie) to work in competition.

You’ve been training in London with Roger Gracie for some time, so how has that helped develop your game?

Training with Roger is obviously really good. He’s the best in the world, so I know I will never face what I face every day at the academy with him when I’m fighting at a tournament. I feel I’m ready to fight anyone – my mind is always prepared to fight whoever comes my way.

You’ve had a few Superfights in the UK already, so do you enjoy fighting in these sorts of events where your match is the focus point for the whole crowd?

For, me it’s really good, it’s nice to have this attention, but it does not change the way I fight or the way I prepare. I always focus on submissions in gym, and working on what Roger has shown me.

Do you feel added pressure because of your name?

I think my name puts more pressure on my opponent, not me. My name gives me more motivation to train hard. I step on the mat and all the Gracies and Behrings are with me. I’m used to high expectations.

How would you describe your game?


How much do you know about your opponent, Sebastian Brosche?

He’s a high level guy, one of the top brown belts fighters in the world. But, for me, it’s just another fight. I fight to submit.

Visit www.toukonchallenge.com for information on tickets and the live stream.

Issue 23, with cover star Rickson Gracie, is AVAILABLE NOW! See what's inside HERE.

November 18, 2014 — Jiu Jitsu Style